Personal Development

If you are working on your personal development plan, the advice found here will be extremely helpful. Leading self improvement experts share their personal growth strategies. Remember that the key to making the ideas you learn work is applying what you learn.

Wealth Creation Tip: Money Is Not The Goal By Bob Proctor

Bob ProctorOne of the key concepts to creating wealth is to understand that money is not the goal. That’s right, I said, money is not the goal.

Frequently people will tell me that they want to make money. However, I know it is not money they are really after. It is the things that money can buy and the freedom of time to do what they really want. While you may think this is an insignificant difference, it is actually the reason so many people never become wealthy.

Happiness as a Priority By Richard Carlson

Richard Carlson, Author of Don't Sweat the Small StuffIt’s always been interesting to me that the average person (go ahead and ask them), spends ten times (or more) the amount of time watching television than he or she does even considering happiness.

In fact, in one pole that I conducted, not a single person out of more than 30 people admitted to spending even one second thinking about how they might go about becoming happier!

The Great Challenge of Life By Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn - Speaker and AuthorHere’s the great challenge of life – You can have more than you’ve got because you can become more than you are.

I have found that income seldom will exceed your own personal development. Once in a while income takes a lucky jump, but unless you grow out to where it is it will go back to where you are.

Somebody once said if you took all the money in the world and divided it among everyone equally, it would soon be back in the same pockets. However, you can have more because you can become more.

The 4 Habits You Need to Develop to Turn Your Whole Life Around

Mother and child walking on a beach at sunsetIf you take your time to study the habits and mindset of successful people, you’ll find many similarities. That’s because success all comes down to doing the right set of actions on a daily basis.

Finding out what these are and developing the behaviors to make them a permanent part of your life will make all the difference for you.

If you feel lost, stuck or lack the motivation as you haven’t seen progress in a long time, read on. You’ll now see the only 4 things you should work on, that will have a positive effect on any other area of your life and thus contribute to your overall success.

The Subtlety Of Language By Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn - Speaker and AuthorI have found that sometimes the subtle difference in our attitude, which of course can make a major difference in our future, can be as simple as the language we use.

The difference in even how you talk to yourself or others. Consciously making a decision to quit saying what you don’t want and to start saying what you do want. I call that faith. Believing the best, hoping for the best and moving toward the best.

How to Develop Emotional Intelligence

Fisherman on a boat fishing at sunsetEmotional intelligence is the ability to identify the emotions of yourself and others, as well as regulate and modify those emotions. People with high emotional intellect can more accurately judge the emotions of others based on subtle cues like facial expressions or physical gestures.

Being emotionally intelligent can lead to an overall higher quality of life; both personal and professional relationships can flourish when you’re able to read and adjust to people’s emotions with ease. However emotional intelligence is more than just knowing what someone feels, it’s also understanding the cause of the emotion and how emotional states correlate within someone’s mind. Below I have listed some ways that you can heighten your emotional intelligence.

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