
Great Minds Think Alike By Jim Stovall

As a very young man, still in college, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to pursue a career as an entrepreneur. I have done this for several decades and have never regretted it. While there have been the inevitable challenges and setbacks, I prefer to be the captain of my own ship.

Being an entrepreneur is certainly not for everyone. If it’s the right choice for you, nothing else will make you happy; but if you’re not suited for it, it can be a recipe for misery.

Six Ways To Make People Like You By Ty Bennett

Ty BennettWhen it comes to books about networking, building relationships and working with people, the undisputed classic is “How To Win Friends and Influence People.” Dale Carnegie wrote the book in 1936 and it has been read by millions of people since.

One of the great realizations in the book is that although some people are more extroverted or affable, working with people is a learned skill that anyone can master.

In the second section of the book, Carnegie offers what he calls “Six Ways To Make People Like You.” These are simple suggestions that can make a huge difference in the way you work with people.

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