5 Life-Changing Sayings About Success (And How to Use Them in Your Life)

When I was a kid, I thought success was something it wasn’t.

I thought it meant having a lot of money, fame, and nice cars. But success is none of those things.

Real success is being fulfilled and enjoying your life. This is something I’ve been fortunate enough to realize in the short time I’ve been on this blue planet of ours.

Before you start going after success, know what success means to you. Don’t chase after false symbols of success, because they’ll only disappoint you.

I’ve always been a big fan of quotes, so I’ve gathered together five powerful sayings about success that will inject motivation straight into you veins.

1. “Identify your problems but give your power and energy to solutions.” Tony Robbins

Everyone has problems. Your business has problems. Your life has problems.

It’s good to identify them, but don’t dwell on them. It’s easy to get stuck in thoughts of worry, fear and anxiety, but they don’t do you any good.

Focus on what you can take action on now, and forget the rest.

2. ” If you are not willing to risk the usual you will have to settle for the ordinary.” Jim Rohn

Going after your dreams takes courage. You have to be willing the comfort of your current life to live an extraordinary life.

Life is uncertain. You cannot know that the comfort you enjoy today will last. You might as well leap into uncertainty and make the best of it.

Take smart risks and enjoy success.

3. “Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.” John Wooden

Play the hand life gives you.

You cannot control life, so why even try? All it’s going to do is cause suffering, because you’re resisting what is.

When you learn to make the best of what you have, everything changes. Things may not go the way you want them to. They may go even better, if you let them.

4. “Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”  John Wayne

No one is fearless.

We’re human beings. We experience a spectrum of emotion from fear to bliss.

The dreams you should go after should both excite you and scare you. Let the fear be there, and take action anyway.

Saddle up and take action.

5. “Failure defeats losers, failure inspires winners.” Robert T. Kiyosaki

Failure is a stepping stone to success.

When I was building my online business, I spent 2-3 years failing. But I didn’t give up, and because I didn’t give up, I’m here today, making a living doing what I love.

Fail fast, learn from your failures, and keep moving forward. That’s how you’ll succeed, and that’s how you’ll build the life you truly want.

Wrap Up

Anyone can become successful.

The secret is to not give up.

Be flexible. Know what you want. But always keep going.

That is how you succeed.
Henri is the founder of Wake Up Cloud, where he helps people turn their passion into a thriving lifestyle business. When you feel ready to take action, get his free special report. Also check out one of his most popular posts: How to Start an Online Business Around Your Passion.

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