7 Powerful Practices That Can Turn Your Life Towards Success

Quote: Tomorrow starts nowSuccess is a hard nut to crack but not impossible to achieve — if you are sharp on your focus, dedication and hard work. So, how do you think the legendary people who have, or are changing the world treaded the route to success?

Well, at their core they are simple human beings just like you, but it’s their commitment to success and a bunch of great habits that have made them the “greats” they are today.

Here are the seven powerful habits which will put you on the the road to success.

1. An early rise

The wise men were right when they said “the early bird catches the worm” and early rising is one of the most common among the powerful habits here. It’s great to start your day early and you will always have more time to work when you set the alarm for 7 a.m. rather than getting up at 10 a.m. (or earlier than 7 a.m. if you can).

The morning assures a certain kind of unmatched freshness that re-energizes the mood and makes you better prepared for taking on tasks and challenges ahead- with a positive note. A late rise fills you with lethargy, eating on your drive to work.

2. To-do list and prioritization

It’s a busy life today and you always have to juggle multiple tasks together to achieve your goals. Improper time management or no organization can make you slip out on one or two important tasks that need doing.

Thus, it’s always smarter to maintain a to-do list for everyday so that you are always updated on what to do and when. Moreover, you have to learn the habit of prioritization here. It implies scheduling the tasks in order of emergency so that you never fail on the set deadlines.

3. Increased learning and networking

The world is evolving at a faster pace and the more you get acquainted with the upgraded trends of your industry, the more dynamic and welcoming presentations will be. Thus, you have to grow the habit of increased learning so that you are always on top of your game.

Gather whatever article, column, journal, book, website, podcast or speeches you can about your trade. Also, talk to the veterans in your industry or workplace to learn about their experiences and the nuances of the trade.

4. Take calculated risks

If you are not into the habit of traveling beyond your comfort zone, you are hindering yourself from exploring the greater opportunities lying ahead. You have to develop the habit of taking calculated risks so that even if you fail, you always have a Plan B to lessen the impact and another way to move forward.

5. Exercise

A regular exercise routine keeps your metabolism high, supplying you with increased energy to go on with the assignments lying ahead. It also keeps your memory and cognitive functions active.

In a nutshell, exercise keeps you charged and refreshed to strive forward with dedication, focus and stamina. If you are too busy to attend the gym, you can at least take to a daily jog or brisk run every morning at your local park.

6. Healthy lifestyle

No matter how much you work, if you are not taking care of your health, you won’t be able to fully explore your talents and potential. Therefore, you have to cultivate a healthy lifestyle, supported by a balanced diet, adequate rest and enough sleep so that you can gather immunity from diseases and develop the needed strength to think fast and work hard.

7. Meditation

A successful life isn’t possible if you are too depressed or bogged down. You can’t avoid pressure or stress, but what you can do is to prevent them from affecting your drive and happiness. A habit of regular meditation, say for 15 minutes, everyday, would calm your mind and keep you stress-free.

These habits can’t be attained overnight. It might look too strenuous initially — but never give up and keep on trying. Wishing you all the best in your efforts.
Lisa is a designer by profession and a writer by choice. Career, Motivation and Self Improvement are her favorite topics. She helps people gain their self confidence and guides them towards self improvement through her articles at Successstory.com

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