Shut Up And Listen! A Secret for Succeeding in Business By Beau Henderson

Beau HendersonThe secret to building your client base & the success of your business

As a professional, an entrepreneur, or a small business owner, how do you become the go-to person in your field? The one most respected, trusted, and, ultimately, the one making the most money?

The principals of prosperity economics teach that one person’s success does not need to be achieved at the expense of another’s.

This goes against what most of us have been taught – that in order for me to win, you must lose. Often times, the “losers” are the very people whom we are trying to reach, either for sales opportunities or as potential clients, yet we are taught to treat them as a means to an end.

We are taught to view the end product – the money – as more valuable than the people who get us there –  our clients.

There is a difference between selling for profit’s sake and selling to meet the client’s needs. Once you understand this distinction, you can make the shift. There is no “my way” or “your way”, there is a only a higher way, a better way. What is the secret to building a RichLife business?

Always operate with the client’s best interest in mind.

And how do you do that? How do you know what’s in their best interests? Which products will help them, give them greater peace of mind and work within their budget?

Shut up and listen!

That’s right. It’s not about you – what you’ve done, how many people you’ve helped, or how many record breaking sales you’ve already made. It’s about one thing: helping the person who is currently in front of you (or “virtually” in front of you, if the exchange is online.)

This is a relationship you are developing, not a transaction you are making.

This is the core of what I do when working with my clients, whether I am coaching or helping someone plan for their definition of a RichLife. As a professional, seek first to understand, and second to add value.

Add value by offering your skills or services to further their objectives.

Your first job is to understand those goals. Shut up and listen! And watch your client relationships deepen, taking your business to new levels of rich.
Beau Henderson is a financial advisor, author, coach, radio personality, and CEO of RichLife Advisors. He has helped over 3,000 clients to not just improve their relationship with money, but to live the life of their dreams. Beau’s newest book, The RichLife, 10 Investments for True Wealth, can help you succeed in building the life you really want. Learn more at and begin making investments in your RichLife today!

-what was your biggest takeaway lesson from the ideas above? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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