Play Big, be Bold, live your Brilliance and reap Big results By Pegine Echevarria

Pegine Echevarria motivational speakerPlay BIG – have fun with your life. Life is really a game of uncovering, sharing and feeling the exhilaration of being more you. Leaving behind what others have planned for you and becoming who you choose to be.

Be Bold – Courage, faith and action creates boldness. When you know that you deserve wonderful, invigorating and magnificent results in your life, you take positive and powerful actions. You were placed here and now because you deserve your dreams. When you are willing to plant the seeds, to work on your dreams, to take action it is because you know within your core that this is your destiny. This is your year to be bold – to be you!

Live Your Brilliance – What is your sweet spot? What positive impact do you have at work, home and among other people? When you are in the zone of contentment, joy and feeling a rush of satisfaction what are you doing? Knowing your zone is key to living your brilliance. It takes work to be honest with yourself so that you know, really know your zone. There is no easy way to be brilliant. Living your brilliance requires your willingness to focus in on your strengths and develop them to their highest potential no matter what.

Reap BIG results – when you play big, are bold and live in your brilliance you reap big results. It is the way of the world. Those results look different for each person. Your view of success is different from mine, that is what makes living so extraordinary. You can have life your way… if you chose to transform and live life with “The Three Bs” Big-Bold-Brilliant.

Decide that this is the year you will play Big, be Bold and be Brilliant!

It is your choice!

– Pegine
Pegine Echevarria is a motivational speaker and author – a nationally recognized expert on success, leadership, and team building. Visit her at

-what do you think of ideas shared? How are some ways you plan to play Big, Bold, and brilliant this year (and beyond)?

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