Save Your Ideas

When I first heard Jim Rohn talk of the importance of keeping an idea journal I was immediately captivated. So what is it you ask?

What is it? – In its simplest form an idea journal is accomplished when we take the time to commit our ideas to paper. It makes no difference whether it’s done with a notepad or a fancy journal. The effect is the same. All your ideas need to be recorded.

Why is it important – Throughout the course of any given day countless ideas come and go our way. While it’s true that many of them may appear unrealistic to us at the time. What happens is we often simply discard them as a passing thought. The problem with this is that what we believed to be unachievable now drastically changes as we expand with each new success that comes our way.

What I mean is, you may doubt yourself now yet a few successes later what you thought impossible suddenly appears quite achievable! It’s like the first time we tried to ride a bike. We thought it impossible! Yet after we mastered it our belief system grew to the point that now we can’t comprehend the thought that riding a bike would be hard. So you can see the problem with dismissing your ideas.

As we grow in confidence — what we thought impossible before is suddenly quite achievable. However, we have lost those ideas. UNLESS! we kept an idea journal. Simply put commit your ideas to paper. No matter how impossible they may appear to you now, commit them to your idea journal. Your very success might come from them in the not too distant future.

My friend, imagine what must have run through Walt Disney’s head when the idea of a cartoon mouse popped up! Yet the idea (no matter how silly) was committed to paper. The rest is history!

It’s your life, LIVE BIG!
Josh Hinds

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