On Accepting Responsibility For Your Life

Being action oriented is the best way to make up for the times in life when things don’t work out the first time around.

Make no mistake, you have the ability to change your lot in life, provided you are willing to do what’s required. It all begins with a willingness to let go of the idea that others are responsible for whatever has kept you from the vision you have for your life.

Friend, I’m the first to admit that it can be a hard pill to swallow, accepting that you are ultimately responsible for your own life — but when you get it, you become like a painter with an infinite canvas upon which to craft a masterpiece.

It’s your life, LIVE BIG!
Josh Hinds

* Josh is the author of Why Perfect Timing is a Myth: Tips for Staying Inspired and Motivated Day in and Day out! and It’s Your Life, LIVE BIG!

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