Positive Affirmation : The Importance of Taking Consistent Action

Here’s a affirmation you can read when you find yourself needing a quick burst of inspiration …

“Through consistent and focused action I can accomplish and excel in whatever it is that I want to achieve. Yes, that’s a bold statement, but very true! The size or amount of action I take isn’t near as important as making sure the steps I’m taking are putting me in the right direction.

Through ongoing review I can ensure that I stay on the path which will lead me to where I want to be. Success in my given endeavors is therefore a matter of moving forward each and everyday, in some way — big or small. Making directional changes as needed. And getting back on track as soon as possible.

I’m as capable as anyone is of living my dreams and at this very moment I am making them happen!”

— It’s your life, LIVE BIG! Josh Hinds

* Josh is the author of Why Perfect Timing is a Myth: Tips for Staying Inspired and Motivated Day in and Day out! and It’s Your Life, LIVE BIG!

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