Positive Affirmation : Practice Being Fearless

Here’s a positive affirmation you can read aloud to yourself when you need to remain fearless in the pursuit of your dreams.

“Whenever the opportunity to do so appears (as it often does) I make a point to practice being fearless in my life. Boldness leads to increased opportunity and life’s rewards.

I may not always get the exact outcome I desire, yet I know that by being bold and being proactive I will always give myself a better than average chance that positive results will eventually come my way.

There is truth in the old saying, “fortune favors the brave”. Each day I will do my best to practice being bold — even when doing so may feel uncomfortable. In doing so I know that I’m developing a positive habit which will allow me to better reach my full potential.”

— It’s your life, LIVE BIG! Josh Hinds

* Josh is the author of Why Perfect Timing is a Myth: Tips for Staying Inspired and Motivated Day in and Day out! and It’s Your Life, LIVE BIG!

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