10 Things that Positively Influence Your Memory

Due to various reasons we use less than 10% of the potential of our brain, the most important of which is the ability to remember all sorts of information, i.e. our memory.

Like a computer, everyone has their limits for information storage. Some people quickly and easily remember, and even after many years can reproduce different details, while others immediately forget everything.

Of course, you want to keep in your brain as much information and data as possible. After all it’s such a shame to forget important details, events, people, phone numbers… Unfortunately, there haven’t been any magic pills created that would allow avoiding drowsiness or could increase the efficiency of your memory. But today there are many techniques to improve your memory. Let’s look at some effective ones.

10 Things that Improve Your Memory

1. Change places

Men remember symbolic information better – it is much easier to remember, for example, the route to the forest or any complex mechanism. Women, vice versa, show excellent results in remembering certain scenes and locations of small objects, things they saw, and everything that is connected with the work of the speech center. Based on this, try to “change places”, train your memory in remembering information, easily remembered by the opposite sex. This exercise not only helps to activate your brain, but also significantly improves your memory.

2. Digital memory

The best way to improve and train your memory is to remember phone numbers. Try to remember one number from your phone book in your mobile each day. This is a great way to improve your memory.

3. Everyone has their time

Are you a lark or an owl? So, if you’re an owl, try to train your memory from 8 to 12 pm. Larks, however, better accept information in the period of time from 8 to 12 am.

4. Aromatherapy

Did you know that the scent of roses has a positive effect on your memory? Yep, this scent helps your brain to organize the past information and store it in long-term memory.

Interestingly, this effect of roses works only with declarative memory, i.e. pictures and words. It won’t help you with your past actions.

5. No diets

A good way to develop your memory is to eat regularly meat and dark chocolate. And the worst influence on the ability to remember information has a diet based on low-fat foods.

6. Having a nap

Having a nap during a day is another good way to improve your memory. It speeds up the processes in your brain and also has an extremely positive effect on your memory.

7. Eye speed

No matter how strange it may seem according to scientific research, quick reading has a more positive influence on the ability to remember information than a slower one.

8. Brain fitness

If you have a lot of information to remember, or to learn by heart, start with the usual run of action for you – take a shower, arrange your things or clothes, and so on. The only condition – all this must be done with your eyes closed. During such exercises the brain cells work harder which positively affects the function of your memory.

9. Rewind

Before going to bed try to remember your past day in reverse order – from evening till morning. You should try to remember as many details as you can – literally expressions, numbers, interior items. But don’t focus on negative things and emotions. Try to remember all these events as if watching them from a distance.

10. Self-suggestion

Finally, never tell anyone that you have a bad memory. There’s such thing as self-suggestion, which means that you can convince yourself that your memory is bad. Do it vice versa – convince yourself that your memory is getting better and better each day.

This simple exercise will make you not only believe in yourself, but will also give you the motivation to use the tips above.

Good luck!
Roman Soluk is an experienced optimist that uses positive thinking in all aspects of his life.

-Do you have any ideas to add for improving the memory? Share in the comments below.


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