How to Get Unstuck By Noah St. John

Noah St. JohnEver feel like you don’t have the…

* TIME to improve your life or business

* ENERGY to really accelerate your progress

* RELATIONSHIPS and right people in place to make things run smoothly

* Or MONEY that should be coming in for all the hard work you’ve been doing

Here are a few steps I teach my clients to get unstuck fast:

1. Realize that when you say, “I don’t have time”, you’re lying to yourself.

Let me give you an example. Imagine that you’re going about your daily routine, when suddenly the phone rings. It’s a relative telling you that one of your family members has just had a serious accident, and you’d better get to the hospital fast.

Do you say to the person on the phone, “I’m sorry, I don’t have time”?

Of course not! You drop whatever you were doing, jump in the car, and get to the hospital pronto.

Now, was “Go to hospital” on your to-do list for today? Of course not.

But, because you had a greater REASON to go to the hospital than NOT go to the hospital, you MADE the time.

My point is not that you should live your life in “crisis-mode”. The point is, whatever you determine to be TRULY important, is what you do each day.

2. If you want to attract the right people, you must become the right person.

I often ask my clients a blunt question: “Would YOU want to be around you?” Many people sheepishly answer, “Not really.”

All human beings are wearing two invisible signs. The first sign says, “Please make me feel important.” The second sign says, “Help me first.”

The problem is, everyone is waiting around for everyone else to go first!

Be the one who goes first. The more you acknowledge, appreciate, and seek to serve others, the greater the number of great people will be drawn to you.

3. Focus on what you HAVE, not on what you lack.

Most people are suffering from the disease of “not-enoughness”. This comes from focusing on what you don’t have, which produces more feelings of not-having!

Every night before you go to sleep, write 5 things you’re grateful for. This will build feelings of confidence and self-worth.


No, that’s not a misprint. In 1997, I discovered AFFORMATIONS — empowering questions that change your subconscious thought patterns from negative to positive.

For example, you’ve probably used “affirmations” like, “I am rich.” And your brain replies, “Yeah, right!”

Instead of a statement you don’t believe, using AFFORMATIONS causes your mind to search for why you are, in fact, rich. That’s why changing the questions will change your life.
Noah St. John is the inventor of Afformations and bestselling author of The Secret Code of Success: 7 Hidden Steps to More Wealth and Happiness (HarperCollins). Noah is the world’s most-quoted expert on how to clear your head trash. He’s appeared in over 2,000 media outlets including CNN, ABC, NBC, The Washington Post and PARADE Magazine. Visit for a free video presentation on how to have more abundance and well-being in just 5 minutes a day using AFFORMATIONS.

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