Believe In Yourself By Pegine Echevarria

Pegine Echevarria motivational speakerYou begin to believe in yourself when you take the time to applaud yourself. Look back on your life and work and applaud your achievements.

Too often, we look at the lists we have created, the mound of work on one side of the desk that somehow is supposed to get to the other side of the desk and think, “will we ever get it all done?”

When we see our kids, we think “Are they ever going to grow up?” We wonder if we will ever go on that trip, ever learn that skill or do whatever it is that we seem to question ourselves about.

That’s the problem. We focus on all that hasn’t gotten done, the dreams that we never really accomplished, and rarely – if ever – focus on the success we have actually achieved.

It is hard to believe in yourself if you only look at what you haven’t achieved. Start a new tradition and habit – look at what you have achieved, what you have accomplished.

More importantly, applaud yourself for what you did complete, the challenges you did overcome, and then really acknowledge all the steps that it took you to get there.

Sometimes we rush and move to the next project and we don’t stop and acknowledge the steps that it took you to complete your task or accomplishment. It’s okay to pause and appreciate. You did it!

I see where I was, I know how it felt to be on that stage before a certain group. I know how it feels to hear the accolades, but that is the easy part.

What about all the steps it took to get on that stage. The calls and the follow up, the sales skills necessary to secure the invitation to be on stage, the creativity of developing the program, packing and traveling, and then delivering.

Each step along the way was significant and deserved to be acknowledged by me. Being on the stage didn’t just happen. There was a process that I followed and it brought me success.

Your business is the same. You didn’t just close a deal or complete a project. You completed a series of complex processes to achieve the goal. You deserve to applaud and acknowledge yourself for following through. When you take the time to acknowledge your successes in every phase of your complex process, you build confidence in your abilities.

You believe in yourself.

Action Tips:

Review the last two days.
– Write down what you accomplished.
– How did you accomplish the project? What steps did you take?
– Give yourself applause. You did it, no one else could do it the way you did.
– Say “I believe in my abilities to complete projects.”
– Hear yourself and accept your applause.
– You don’t need anyone to tell you how great you are. You just told yourself how great you are.
Pegine Echevarria is a motivational speaker and author — a nationally recognized expert on success, leadership, and team building. Visit her at

-what are some ways you go about strengthening your inner belief? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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