Get Used to Uncertainty By Marcia Wieder

How to Embrace Uncertainty and Create New Dreams

Marcia Wieder motivational coachCan you imagine actually being comfortable with the unknown and uncertainty? Uncertainty provides an opportunity to stop, check in and make powerful choices to clear away what’s no longer true, so you have more time and space for new dreams that are aligned with who you are now.

As we become comfortable with uncertainty we can have more clarity about how we want our life to be. This is exceptionally useful since the truth of life is, it’s more uncertain than certain.

How to Remember Who You Are and What Matters to You

During these times, it’s critical that we remember who we are and what matters to us. There is comfort in feeling empowered when security may be slipping away (especially if your identity is tied to it); it’s critical to know that true power comes from the inside.

Deeper fulfillment comes by asking simple, yet potent questions, such as: What matters to me now? What makes me happy? What fulfills me now? The “now” part is important, because who you were before, perhaps in your 30’s, 40’s or 50’s probably is not who you are today or who you are becoming.

How to Relax and Access Your Inner Resources

In the face of the unknown most of us contract, seize up and imagine the worst. From this stressful place logic gets twisted, creativity ceases and we even doubt our good ideas. Practice relaxing with a few deep breathes (including exhales).

If the grip of your ego can let go, you may find that you have resources that may have otherwise been forgotten and more importantly, new or different resources.

An internal check-in can take your attention off of the chaotic outer world. With clarity about who you are, you can weather the storm. But at a deeper level, this is not a passing phase.

As life speeds up, can you set the pace for your own life? Do you know what your natural rhythm is? Do you know how to pause, relax, or even (dare I say) to actually stop?

How to Dream and Have Faith

Even though it may be challenging to dream when you are in survival mode, this practice alone can be life-changing. Connect to something you want or need or something you truly desire.

Hold a vision in your mind and your heart. Even though you may not know how you are going to get it or make it happen, the mere act of dreaming demonstrates an act of faith. And during times of uncertainty, faith is key.

How to Surround Yourself with Positive People and Energy

Surround yourself with fellow dreamers and believers. Turn off the news that bombards you with doomsday reports. Instead, choose to connect with friends and kindred spirits. Build and honor your sacred core, people (like you) who still have the courage to dream; a priceless resource.

It’s not that reality isn’t important, but what will serve you today? Putting your attention on how the world is or on your dreams?

Listening to bad news reports or engaging in meaningful conversation with loved ones? Choosing doubt or faith? Worrying about uncertainty or getting comfortable with it?
Marcia Wieder is a motivational speaker, specializing in helping people make their dreams real! In addition to her speaking and coaching she is the author of several books, and programs. Visit her website and learn more about the inspiring work she does.

Want to make your dreams come true? Learn from the best!

Marcia Wieder is a global visionary leader, a bestselling author, and the founder of Dream University. She has helped thousands of people create and live fulfilling lives. Whether you want to start a business, write a book, travel the world, or find your soulmate, Marcia Wieder can show you how. Click here to explore her books and programs and start living your dream today!

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